
Revolutionizing Urban Planning with SketchUp

Redefining Urban Landscapes: The SketchUp Advantage

Introduction: Urban planners rely on intuitive tools to visualize and design cities of tomorrow. Explore how SketchUp empowers urban planners to conceptualize and execute innovative urban projects.


  • SketchUp is used by 60% of urban planning agencies worldwide.
  • Cities adopting SketchUp for urban planning have reported a 40% increase in citizen engagement.


  • Discover how SketchUp’s 3D modeling capabilities facilitate urban design at various scales.
  • Learn to simulate urban scenarios and analyze spatial data for informed decision-making.
  • Case studies showcasing successful urban revitalization projects powered by SketchUp.

Conclusion: With SketchUp, urban planners can create vibrant, sustainable, and inclusive cities. Join our online course and become a catalyst for positive urban transformation!